Citizens Review Panel
Citizens Review Panel
Citizens Review Panel
See how it works. Trained volunteers protect donor investment.
United Way of the CSRA Citizens Review panels are composed entirely of community volunteers and are responsible for visiting United Way's partner agencies annually to review the funded programs and services as well as make funding recommendations bi-yearly in our Community Investment Process. These panels are vital in maintaining United Way agency credibility and accountability to the community while ensuring the community outcomes are being effectively evaluated.
See how it works. Trained volunteers protect donor investment.
United Way of the CSRA Citizens Review panels are composed entirely of community volunteers and are responsible for visiting United Way's partner agencies annually to review the funded programs and services as well as make funding recommendations bi-yearly in our Community Investment Process. These panels are vital in maintaining United Way agency credibility and accountability to the community while ensuring the community outcomes are being effectively evaluated.
See how it works. Trained volunteers protect donor investment.
United Way of the CSRA Citizens Review panels are composed entirely of community volunteers and are responsible for visiting United Way's partner agencies annually to review the funded programs and services as well as make funding recommendations bi-yearly in our Community Investment Process. These panels are vital in maintaining United Way agency credibility and accountability to the community while ensuring the community outcomes are being effectively evaluated.

"2020 will be a year we will never forget. Our community faced so much uncertainty and loss as we all weathered the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and no one could have predicted how many people in our community would need help.
During this time of great need, we thank you so much for giving us your time, energy and generous support at United Way of the CSRA as we provided relief to thousands of local children and families. This past year, we saw a huge increase in need and your efforts allowed us to impact more than 112,000 local families with emergency assistance and resources in the areas of food, shelter and basic needs, physical and mental health, educational enrichment, childcare and much more through our COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund. In addition to that, more than 480,000 local families were impacted through campaign program support and other initiatives.
2020 may have just changed us all forever, but one thing we've all learned is to be resilient and generous toward those around us. And we're so grateful that you've done just that."

Jordan Pierce
Market President, First Community Bank
2020 Board Chair


Nearly 17,000 calls were answered
by our free 2-1-1 Referral Helpline and 18,000 web inquires were made on our online database,
from local residents in need of housing, utilities, food, medical, and other critical resources.