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Your security, trust, and privacy are our priority.

Our website allows us to accept donations with low overhead and allows supporters to give with ease, but many people are cautious to make online transactions for fear of credit card/identity theft.


  • Though security concerns are legitimate, the risks are extremely low—information is encrypted using the latest technology by our partners, CardConnect and monitored by a professional IT institution. 


  • We’ve taken all necessary measures to ensure your information is safe while being processed and to make your experience on our site positive.


  • Please visit our privacy commitment to learn more and review our official security policy below.


  • If you’re uncomfortable making a gift online, please call 706-724-5544, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m, to make a gift over the phone. 


  • If you wish to mail a check or money order, please make your check out to United Way of the CSRA and send to our office at 1765 Broad Street, Augusta, GA 30904. 



  • Any questions or concerns about the security of information sent over the Internet through our Website, please direct them to: .

Official Security Policies

Your Security
You never have to worry about security when giving online to United Way of the CSRA. We are committed to using the most advanced technology in the industry and to collaborating with trusted partners, both locally and nationally, to offer secure online transactions.




For added peace of mind, our partner independently, on top of our internal procedures, ensures our online giving function is maintaining the best security practices. We are at all times PCI compliant and secured. 


Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protects your vital information before it travels over the Internet. Information like your name, address, and credit card number is encrypted, which prevents unauthorized access. We ensure all information sent with SSL to United Way will be encrypted.

Updated June 23, 2020

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