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Thank you for your support.

Due to the generous support of our Partners for Good, United Way is able to continue producing our various community events and marketing initiatives, even in the face of a challenging economy. Because of these partners’ generous sponsorships and gifts-in-kind donations, they make it possible for us to provide more dollars to programs and services that help those in need. These partners truly exemplify leadership and charitable giving in our community, and we are proud to have them as our Partners for Good. We wish to extend our sincere thanks to the following companies and individuals for their generosity.


If your business would like to become a Partner for Good, please review our 2020 Sponsorship Opportunities.

National Level ($10,001+)


Masters Level ($7,500-$10,000)

Green Jacket Level ($5,000-$7,499)

Champion Level ($2,500-$4,999)

Eagle Level ($1,000-$2,499)

Birdie Level ($250-$999)

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