Citizens Review Panel
Citizens Review Panel
Citizens Review Panel
See how it works. Trained volunteers protect donor investment.
United Way of the CSRA Citizens Review panels are composed entirely of community volunteers and are responsible for visiting United Way's partner agencies annually to review the funded programs and services as well as make funding recommendations bi-yearly in our Community Investment Process. These panels are vital in maintaining United Way agency credibility and accountability to the community while ensuring the community outcomes are being effectively evaluated.
See how it works. Trained volunteers protect donor investment.
United Way of the CSRA Citizens Review panels are composed entirely of community volunteers and are responsible for visiting United Way's partner agencies annually to review the funded programs and services as well as make funding recommendations bi-yearly in our Community Investment Process. These panels are vital in maintaining United Way agency credibility and accountability to the community while ensuring the community outcomes are being effectively evaluated.
See how it works. Trained volunteers protect donor investment.
United Way of the CSRA Citizens Review panels are composed entirely of community volunteers and are responsible for visiting United Way's partner agencies annually to review the funded programs and services as well as make funding recommendations bi-yearly in our Community Investment Process. These panels are vital in maintaining United Way agency credibility and accountability to the community while ensuring the community outcomes are being effectively evaluated.
Stuff the Bus
We want to thank individuals, companies, and the AmeriCorps VISTAs in our community for their support hosting collection drives for school supplies and volunteering for the Stuff the Bus events!
We were able to stuff 5 buses again this year with over 35,800 school supply items valued at over $88,700 that will provide much needed supplies to Richmond, Columbia, Burke, and other surrounding counties students this year!

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